Supporting Gold Star families and honoring fallen soldiers is critically important to me because it acknowledges the profound sacrifice made by those who gave their lives in service to our country. It offers solace and recognition to families who have endured immense loss, ensuring their loved ones' sacrifices are never forgotten. By being an Ambassador I am provided the opportunity to bring attention to those we lost and their families and to honor and remember their bravery and show respect and gratitude for the freedoms and safety they helped secure.

My name is Varick Beise. I am a professional competitive shooter competing in multiple action shooting disciplines both nationally and internationally. I have been fortunate to spend time over the last several years working with the Memorial 3Gun community. I became an ambassador because of the respect I have for the men and women who serve this country and with the hopes of continuing to help the families of those in the special operations community who payed the ultimate sacrifice. I hope to honor the soldiers and their families making sure that they are never forgotten. Remember Honor Memorialize

I have been a part of the foundation now for over five years. Since the time I was introduced to the Foundation I have always had a passion for supporting this organization and all that it stands for. It’s a true honor to be able to represent, support, and spread the mission of the Foundation.